St. Ives Timeless Skin Collagen Elastin Facial Moisturizer
Posted on 2010-11-19
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Inexpensive, light moisturizer that definitely does the job. All I can say is that it's great value. Many people swear to this product, and I can see why. The ingredients seem good, however I haven't researched them extensively so I cannot vouch for that personally. Great as a daily moisturizer, and as for the "youthful glow" aspect; I cannot vouch for this as well. It contains hydrolyzed collagen, but such research does not support its effectiveness through skin absorption.

Some cosmetics include soluble or hydrolyzed collagen. In this case, the collagen molecules have been broken down into much smaller fragments, which are able to penetrate the skin’s surface. According to Smart Skincare, even when this form of collagen enters the skin, the molecule fragments are too small to be able to integrate with the skin’s own collagen.

Pros: Great value; Very inexpensive; Good reviews amongst other websites.

Cons: The science and the effectiveness of its advertised anti-aging aspects are definitely up for debate.
Last edited: 2018-10-01 11:07

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