Ecco Bella, Leave-On Invisible Exfoliant & Blemish Remedy, 3, 2 fl oz (60 ml)
VitaminCells: Soy lecithin liposomes with full-spectrum vit. E with soy tocopherols & tocotrienols
で発表 2014-11-22 , 資料元:公式サイト

我是那种脸上时不时会起那种发炎很厉害的大型青春痘的那种人,没黑头没白头没粉刺,直接一个很大很痛的包包。这个果酸水杨酸混合的凝露不能说是奇迹吧,但却是对那种大包比较有效,可以把会发上一个月的包包缩短到一个星期,然后把痘印的消除时间从半年缩短到一个月,所以还是相当感谢它的。It works well for my nodules/papules, flattening them by a weak and getting rid of the redness by a mouth. I don't think it's miraculous, as it really doesn't help preventing anything, but it is effective and get my acne-prone skin under control. Don't know whether it works for blackheads or whiteheads, because I usually don't have them.

最終編集時間: 2024-05-16 07:12

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