SkinCeuticals (スキンサーチカルズ) Simply clean gel
で発表 2020-05-26 , 資料元:ボトルパッケージ

I've been using this for around 6 months, and initially I was sold because it made my skin look brighter. However over time - I started to realise that the texture of my skin was getting gradually worse & I was breaking out in small painful spots on my forehead, cheeks & jawline. It occurred so gradually that I couldn't identify what the offender was.
I decided to switch to a cleanser with salicylic acid in it & my skin was immediately better the next day. The spots were no longer painful and had pretty much subsided. From the ingredients list, I can't tell what exactly was causing the skin irritation, but I can see there are a lot of oils & fruit extracts in here which might be the issue. Secondly, I think the use of hydroxy / fruit acid 'blend' on their website isn't very clear - especially as not everyone is well versed in skincare. It needs to be made clear what the main exfoliating ingredient(s) consists of. Which would help people to identify whether this is right for them (especially if they are using other treatments), without having to google every single ingredient listed.

最終編集時間: 2024-04-28 08:17

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