• Location: china
  • Address: Shangjin Industrial Zone, Yanjiang Town, Linhai City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Tel: 0086-576-84184991
  • Website
Usually shipping goods by sea for foreign customers,because we are nearby Ningbo and Shanghai. It is very convenient and efficient to ship goods to any other countries.Of course,if your goods are very urgent,the Ningbo Airport and Shanghai Airport are also very near.
After machine arrived at your factory, please prepare water, electric, and preform, then we will arrange engineer to install machine and train your workers, the longest time to free install shall be in one week, you should afford engineer round trip tickets, food, hotel etc.
Machine warranty time is 12 months. During the warranty period, if any parts (except lamps and other wearing parts, which are not man-made) are damaged, we will responsible for this.

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