Known human immune system toxicant or allergen - EU banned/restricted
Suspected to be an environmental toxin - Environment Canada Domestic Substance List
入药用于抗菌和驱虫;临床治疗慢性支气管炎效果较好, 不仅有改善肺通气功能和降低气道阻力的作用, 而且对提高机体免疫功能也颇有裨益,且有起效快,副作用小的优点
Categories: Sensitizing, Fragrance: Synthetic and Fragrant Plant Extracts
A volatile fragrance ingredient extracted from geranium, geraniol is capable of causing sensitivity when applied to skin. However, the risk of such reaction has to do with depth of penetration into skin, and geraniol doesn’t penetrate skin easily. As such, although it’s not a great ingredient to see on a label if you have sensitive skin, it isn’t among the most troublesome fragrance ingredients when used in low concentrations. Despite the lesser concern, research has shown that, like many fragrant oil components, geraniol can oxidize in the presence of air, causing damage when appied to skin's surface.