SkinFix Foaming Oil Cleanser
Posted on 2018-06-26 , Data Source: Other Website
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I loved this stuff and used it all the time back in 2016 when it cost 15 USD for 3.4 OZ.

While the ingredients didn't change, the prices started hiking up every few months and now in mid-2019 the same product costs almost three times what it did. I can't justify spending that much on a cleanser that just gets washed away, which is a shame as it's one of the few I can comfortably use on my face. I wish Skinfix had stayed reasonably priced but they've priced themselves out of the market.

Now they stock at Sephora, the prices are outrageous for the same re-branded product (almost triple the cost!) and the company's customer service is patronizing and insulting. No longer worth the money (or frustration) when there are better products out there, I've happily dropped them.

Last edited: 2019-11-11 01:56

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