Then I Met You Living Cleansing Balm
Posted on 2020-11-10 , Data Source: Official Website
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It is not as good as most of reviews says, people used to describe it as a Holy Grail and a "luxurious experience" but it couldn't be farther from the truth. I found its texture not really smooth, it is even less smooth than Heimish's one. It smells like an orange peel, not bad but, again, I've tested another cleansing balms/oils with better smell. Trying to remove it is not so easy, it emulsifies as a clear yellow "milk" but there are parts where it is difficult to wash away, like nose, you can see how oily texture remains among water drops. Finally, it gave me pimples in the chin and nose, besides white spots in the cheeks and my face looked greasy while I used it, I think it stripped my skin from its natural layer because my pores looked bigger. From 0 to 5, I give it 3 in texture, 4 in smell, 3 in emulsifing, 2 in non irritation and comedogenic probability and 2 in value for money, because it is one of the most expensive cleansing balms but, despite its components, its quality is very poor in several aspects.

Last edited: 2024-06-26 18:45

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