Huxley Essence; Grab Water
Posted on 2020-08-14 , Data Source: Product's Label
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PROS: It’s light and absorbs easily into the skin, perfect for those with oily and acne-prone skin. It also has peppermint which cools your skin and Sahara prickly pear seed oil which hydrates and plumps your skin.

CONS: It contains alcohol, which is actually helpful for those with acne-prone skin, but not for those with normal and dry skin types. For those, I recommend the Huxley Oil Essence: Essence-Like, Oil-Like. And it only hydrates and moisturized my skin. I didn’t see any other effects such as brightening nor healed my acne, which is something I’m not used to when it comes to a Korean brand essence.


Last edited: 2024-05-02 09:10

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