Dear, Klairs Midnight Blue Youth Activating Drop
發表於 2017-07-02 , 資料來源:瓶身包裝

PROS: Non-sticky, non-oily, lightweight, repairs sun damage, it calms your skin, suits all skin types, and improves your skin as fast as one week.

CONS: It’s too watery like a toner. So I recommend drop it directly on your face and pat it all over your face asap before it slips away.


Q: Is it safe for those who have acne?
A: Yes, it is.

Q: Can I use Vitamin C serum with this?
A: Yes, you can. But make sure to apply this serum first because the oil from the Vitamin C will not be able for your skin to absorb this product. Wait for at least 2 minutes before applying a new serum above this product.


最後編輯時間: 2024-06-27 16:09


A super lightweight serum, which is a nice option for those with combo/oily skin as antiaging products have a tendency to be heavy. It's easy to layer, and my skin feels and looks healthier after using this in my routine.

Full review at

最後編輯時間: 2024-06-27 16:09

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