由於產地的不同,衍生出Vitellaria Paradoxa及Vitellaria Nilotica兩個不同品種。產自西非的稱為Vitellaria Paradoxa,而產自烏干達北方及蘇丹南方的稱為Vitellaria Nilotica,由於地區動亂等因素,以往多數原料皆採用西非之品種製成,但部分產商則宣稱Vitellaria Nilotica擁有更佳的較果。
請問 這會致粉刺或面皰嗎 謝謝!
I have heard that Shea butter can clog pores and people with acne should stay clear. Any thoughts?
Actually that's wrong, not sure why you're spreading false info but whatever. Shea butter is a zero and is one of the best moisturizers for acne prone skin, along with sweet almond oil and argan oil. Avoid coconut and cocoa butter for sure, though. Very comedogenic.
No Actually katerunka is right. Almond oil, coconut oil, Argan oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, basically all thick essential oils and Shea butter are known to clog pores. Obviously everyone’s skin is different but most people struggling with acne, oily skin, and enlarged pores should steer clear.
I have acne-prone, dehydrated skin (dry feel and dull look with oily surface) and shea butter causes me to break-out with whiteheads at first and then deeper acne if I continue use. It's definitely not universally non-comedogenic. Everyone's skin will react differently. There is no such thing as "one size fits all" in skincare.
Shea Butter contains vitamin E, oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, and linoleic acid. And thus comedogenic.
It depends on the quantity, in small dosages it is safe for acne prone skin. There is a big difference for ingredient being Comedogenic in the percentage. Some can have Comedogenicity 4-5 in 100% but rating 0 for 25% and so on...
Shea butter in a shampoo bar caused me to break out in big, hard cystic acne on my face (forehead, jaw, cheeks), neck, back and chest! If anyone needs to hear this - don’t rely on a comedogenic rating of 0 like it’s the law! I found hemp oil to be the same. Listen to YOUR skin, not a rating.
Hello hi everyone. Yes ita true. That why artistry enriching CREAM is not recommend those oily skin. This is suitable for normal to dry skin.
For oily skin, Artistry has another type of this night cream. The different is of course the texture. That is called YOUTH EXTEND ENRICHING LOTION. which is the texture more lighyly. Wont clogged pores.
I don't have the most acne-prone skin in the world but shea butter breaks me out for sure! It's terrible!