椰油酰胺丙基甜菜鹼(CAPB)是從椰子油和二甲基氨基丙胺衍生的有機化合物 。 [1],它是一種兩性離子 ,包括一個季銨陽離子和羧酸鹽 。 CAPB可為粘稠的淺黃色溶液,作為表面活性劑 ,在個人護理產品中使用。 反映了該分子的主要部分, 月桂酸基,來自椰子油的名稱。 已經大幅取代椰油酰胺DEA 。
椰油酰胺丙基甜菜鹼椰油酰胺和甘氨酸甜菜鹼的組合可以被看作是。 然而,它是製備相結合,是來自於二甲基氨基丙胺和月桂酸酰胺氯乙酸 :
CH 3(CH 2)10 C(O)N(H)CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 N(CH 3)2 + CLCH 2 CO 2 H +的NaOH→CH 3(CH 2)10 C(O)N(H N +(CH 3)2)CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CO 2 - +鹽+ H 2 O
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椰油酰胺丙基甜菜鹼在香波中用作增泡劑[2],它是一種中等強度的表面活性劑也可用於浴用製品如洗手皂 。 也正是在化妝品中作為乳化劑和增稠劑 ,以減少刺激單純的離子的表面活性劑會導致。 它也可作為抗靜電劑 護髮 。 其中最常見的,不刺激皮膚或粘膜 。 這就是說,一些研究表明,它是一種過敏原。 [3] [4] [5]它還具有防腐特性,使得它適用於個人衛浴產品。 與其他陽離子,陰離子,非離子型表面活性劑,它是兼容的。
有效* 氯化鈉 4.6 - 5.6%
氯乙酸鈉 <5 ppm的
Suspected to be an environmental toxin
究竟刺激性是4 還是1?
根據網上一篇投稿, Cocamidopropyl Betaine 烷基醯胺甜菜鹼
去脂力: 低
酸鹼性: 中-弱鹼
刺激性: 溫和無刺激性
Alguien sabe pq sale con un 4 en seguridad??? Quería cogerme el good morning gel tan famoso pero veo q su segundo ingrediente es este y está en amarillo y Núm 4 y no entiendo chino
I use Google to translate other languages. I just copy & paste.
I got this ingredient in a Facial Cleanser in a beauty bag. I am going to pass on using it.
Translating the comment from user ftbase:
“Some people have allergic reactions when using products containing CAPB. In 2004, the American Contact Dermatitis Association declared CAPB as the "Allergen of the Year".
Since then, a scientific review study in 2012 found that it is not the CAPB itself that caused the allergic reaction, but two impurities generated during the manufacturing process.
The two stimuli are aminoamide (AA) and 3-dimethylaminopropylamine (DMAPA). In multiple studies, when people were exposed to CAPB that did not contain these two impurities, they had no allergic reactions. The purified high-grade CAPB does not contain AA and DMAPA and does not cause allergic reactions.”
為何我只要洗,含有 sls、sles、als、 Cocoamidopropyl Betaine 的洗髮精 都會過敏(頭皮癢 頭皮皮膚過敏發炎 頭皮屑),而且有Cocoamidopropyl Betaine的洗髮精 洗了好像都會有銀屑,特別是那種洗髮精sls、Cocoamidopropyl Betaine 洗了,沒多久 頭皮會癢 皮膚過敏發炎,有大大 能介紹 不會過敏的洗髮精嗎?
有些洗髮精不知什麼原因 什麼成份過敏(或著有毒的成份),會造成眼睛 很痛 連帶頭也跟著痛,而且痛到 睡覺 根本睡不著。
請問洗髮精 洗了造成過敏,為何我只要洗,含有 sls、sles、als、 Cocoamidopropyl Betaine 的洗髮精 都會過敏(頭皮癢 頭皮皮膚過敏發炎 頭皮屑),而且有Cocoamidopropyl Betaine的洗髮精 洗了好像都會有銀屑,特別是那種洗髮精sls、Cocoamidopropyl Betaine 洗了,沒多久 頭皮會癢 皮膚過敏發炎,有大大 能介紹 不會過敏的洗髮精嗎?
有些洗髮精不知什麼原因 什麼成份過敏(或著有毒的成份),會造成眼睛 很痛 連帶頭也跟著痛,而且痛到 睡覺 根本睡不著。可以要求賠償嗎?
Cocamidopropyl betaine, Triethanolamine and Cocamide DEA/MEA(以及以'DEA'或'MEA'結尾的所有成分):這些成分被亞硝胺污染,亞硝胺是一種已知會對人類造成致癌風險的化學物質。
Cocamidopropyl betaine may cause allergic reactions and skin sensitivity and has been suspected to be a possible environmental toxin [1,2]. The chemical is subject to impurities created during its manufacturing process that can cause adverse skin reactions
I've discovered I'm allergic to this after using multiple shampoos with this ingredient. I get itchy red bumps all other my forehead and hairline but when I stop using the shampoo they go away within a few days (so it's not acne. Also no whiteheads form). I've taken long periods of time in between trying shampoos. I was using one shampoo for 6 months that my hairdresser recommended. Then he suggested I switch it up due to weather changes. I got the bumps. Sure enough it had this ingredient. Switched back to my old shampoo, which doesn't contain it, and they went away.